Showing posts with label costumes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label costumes. Show all posts

Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween :)

As promised... another post by Halloween.. or.. ON Halloween since.. this is it ;)

So here's the update on the autumn painting from my last post.  Just a few touches added with bare branches through the bushes that you can't see very well here, and the ground.

Halloween costumes ... originally planned on doing a dryad/ forest spirit... then I found the little clip on horns... so I painted them up, added some furry little leg warmers and went with a faun lol My hood fell back from the wind, and you can't see the makeup very well... photos were a fail this year along with everything else >.<

My mom came up straight from work... where she was dressed as a clown. She was the only one who wore a costume, and she scared the crap out of her dogs this morning before she left... but she, like me, is never too old to enjoy dressing up for Halloween :) She has a costume on, but it was COLD outside, so she's bundled up in my Jedi robe lol
 This years jack o'lantern.... not as fabluous as last years, but the landlady grabbed the wrong pumpkin last night; I left mine by my door and hers were by the steps. I guess one of the kids had moved them around, and this morning when I went down to get mine, there was a bigger one in it's place... and it had a big flat spot that was just begging to be made into a face lol Despite that, the nose still ended up crooked, but oh well :) We brought him up stairs with us when we abandoned our trick-treater posts, and he's sitting in front of the tv where we can enjoy him.

And here's what the place looked like earlier. I had nothing to do with the decorating. Usually I add stuff to it, but this year I just didn't the time, or the will to stay out in the cold wet long enough .

 There ya go... a second post within a WEEK. Of course, the only reason I did one this soon, was because people were asking for another recipe... so here it is.

My great grandmother's recipe ->   Stuffed Bologna 

Instructions first, followed by photos of the process ;) BTW, Little Gram was what we called my great grandmother... because she was about 5' tall, compared to my gram, who was about 6' ;)

Monday, May 21, 2012

A touch of fandom...

Just a touch... a little bit... ;)

Back in my Messy Blog Hop post, some of my fandoms were mentioned... I decided it was time to share one a bit more in depth ;) 

Star Wars, anyone?

Yes, I love Star Wars.

How much?

To start with, a few of my favorite items in my collection...


The newest addition - My talking Boba Fett helmet :) He's still in his box...I'm so proud of myself for not taking him out yet lol ;

My brother gave me this, as well as the helmet above... and probably about 60% of all my favorite items in my collection :) My brother is awesome ;)

My favorite mugs and glasses. I have two other SW mugs that I love, but they're packed away.. somewhere...>.< lol

This is my R2-D2. He's about two feet tall and is voice activated. He 'sings', dances, plays games, and follows directions.

He is awesome :)

My ex brought him home, but I got custody :D

This is my lightsaber. I built it myself after a trip to Home Depot. There is a purple crystal insert in the top that you can pull out and attach the blade to ; the blade is a length of dowel painted fluorescent purple ( my blade color), and used for photos to make Photoshopping easier.

Photoshopping what photos, you ask?

Why... these photos :) 

StarWars fan photoshopped lightsaber space station
Jedi Skye
Yes, that's me in my Jedi robe that my ex bought me on Ebay that was made for someone about two feet taller than me lol  I'm actually standing in my living room, and that glowing lightsaber blade is really a wooden dowel ;)

I believe he 'shopped me onto Cloud City... lol

Star Wars Jedi Knights costumes lightsaber
A couple o' Knights

Me and the ex ...I 'shopped a sticker over his head ;) you can't see my little home made blaster because it's blending into my pants ( I'm not a traditional Jedi :p)... you can see what a horrible job that leather thing was lol  My ex cut and sewed the vinyl over tunics. I can't sew worth a crap ;)


... Neither could he, actually... lol
He could work photoshop however... we posed separately and he put us in the same shot.

So there you have it... a tiny glimpse :) Back when these photos were taken ( about ten or eleven years ago, at least... maybe a bit longer )  I was a member of a forum known as 'The Jedi Academy'.. headed by Bail Legato ( when I first joined, anyhow) Some of the 'jedi' who there at the same time , Sa'har Suntoucher, Deean Kett & Hellflower to name a VERY few, I am still friends with :) I only name these ones, because if any of you stumbled upon those forums back then, those are the names you're most likely to remember.

Oh, and for the record, I'm Skye Doomstar ;) Formerly Skye Sands, and towards the end, Skye McGrif... although I ditched that persona long before I kicked the ex out and went back to Doomstar ;) One other name that might ring a bell would be Vox Doomstar...  a young dark jedi that I adopted while I was there. I miss that kid. He's the only one out of all the ones I've lost contact with over the years that I still think about and hope he's doing alright. I've tried to track him down a few times, but seem to have crappy timing...I keep finding pages right after he's abandoned them >.< lol

...*clears throat*  Oh.. and if any of you remember a SW FanFiction website called StarWarsChicks... and happened to visit their 'adult' sister site SithChicks ...I'm also SanLyn Fen  ;)

Well I hope you've enjoyed my little jaunt here. Figured it was time for something a bit different ;)