Showing posts with label flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flowers. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Winner Wednesday ;)

Sorry, but considering that's all this blog is gonna be.. pretty much... lol

Alright, so.. while I COULD tease and torment you, show lots of photos and ramble on for a while, I'm not gonna.

I COULD ... but I won't... mainly cause I got a headache and I'm really noticing how LOUD I type >.<

So, first up we have  the little Flap Your Wings giveaway I held along with the auction.  The winner of the the little giveaway pack is...


The winning bid on the necklace..

 is IslandGirl at $40 CAD. I'll be messaging her shortly about it.

And lastly, we have the Spring Blooms Giveaway.

     The winner is....  Kristi Jaro !

Kristi & Rochelle both have one week to contact me with their mailing addresses to claim their prizes.  If I haven't heard from them by May 1st, then on May 2nd I'll draw new winners.

Okay... enough typing now... I'll be in touch with D.Lynne aka Islandgirl once it no longer hurts to type... >.<

Friday, April 20, 2012

Last Spring Blooms Giveaway Update

It's Friday again, and we have four days left in the Spring Bloom giveaway :)
Check out my 'Flap Your Wings' Necklace  HERE. The auction runs until Tuesday April 24th

Before I get posting pictures,  I just wanted to mention that I'll be posting the signup widget for the first Creative Chaos Challenge. I'll be explaining  about it in my next post, most likely Sunday :)
 Since we hit 50 entries, I'll make one more addition to the pot.

Skye flower pendant connectors silver clay blossom petal jewelry
Newest addition to the giveaway.

One clay flower pendant ( it's pale pink and white ), and four silver toned flower connectors.

flowers Skye glass beads turquoise pendants lampwork buttons lucite seedbeads  beadsoup
Spring Bloom giveaway bundle

Which is added to this ... 

The winner will be announced on Wednesday, April 25th.

Friday, April 13, 2012

F.F.4 -update

Double postings tonight :) Make sure to check out my Flap Your Wings post as well!

Alrighty... so this will be a short post.. mostly straight to the point since I'm LATE and still have another post to write and get up >.< lol

I said every TEN entries I'd add something extra to the giveaway... well we're sitting at 37 .. but I decided to add in the extra for 'forty' now...

First up, I added in the acrylic beads from Lori's BeadSoup package... so now the entire beadsoup pack is included :)  so here's a little image to show you ;)

bead soup Lori Anderson pretty things giveaway spring blooms flowers
Lori's Bead Soup mix

Rather than show you a single picture of each addition, I'm just gonna post up the giveaway bundle 'as is' now. I've added in some more flower beads, some more flower buttons, some leaf beads, and some seedbeads.
flowers chaos skye creative leaves beadsoup
updated Spring Blooms giveaway bundle

For those who are worried I might miss something I've added... don't ;) Once I take the pictures of each addition, it all gets put into one big zip lock bag so nothing gets misplaced or forgotten :)

I just received word from last months winner that the butterflies arrived today :D Yay! I hope she enjoys them and maybe shares a link to any pics of her creations ;)

Here you go :) Anyone who hasn't entered, you've still got time :)  Next addition to the giveaway bundle hits at 50!

Friday, April 6, 2012

FF#4 Update :)

 As promised, now that we've reached 10 entries into the giveaway, I have some goodies to add into the pot for the Spring blooms giveaway :)

Plus I took a better photo of those felted ones ;) 

And arranged them in a much nicer setting....

...although I'm thinking I should've done a better pic of those lamp work pairs now too.... hmm...

So, here's the giveaway package INCLUDING the new addition of a bunch of flower buttons :)

giveaway spring flowers buttons beads  turquoise lucite felted lampwork glass
Spring Blooms giveaway bundle - 1st update!

I'm still sorting through my button collection, so more flower buttons may appear in that pile if I find any ;)

I'm still deciding on the next addition...I have a photo of 24 flower beads in 4 different colors that I was going to add this time.. then went with the buttons instead ... plus I have a bunch of leaves I could add in... And of course I have some pendants that I might add in one of them...And I did mention that I might add in the rest of the beadsoup pack I received from Lori Anderson, as well.... so plenty to choose from. Plus I could always add in some 'regular' beads in bright spring colors, too ;)  I guess we won't know what I'll choose to toss in until we reach my goal of another 10 entries ;)

Of course, I *might* be willing to take suggestions ;) If there's something you'd really like to see added in next, leave a comment and it might just sway my decision next round ;) And you can suggest stuff I haven't mentioned here as well, such as ribbons or findings with a flower or spring theme... or none beading stuff.  If I'm in a good place in my head at the time, I might just see what I can do :)  

 By the way... did any of you take part in LimaBeads Easter Egg hunt this year?  Wow.. that new site is MASSIVE! Apparently they hid 100 Easter eggs, PLUS 3 golden eggs scattered throughout the site. After two days of eyestrain, I reached the amazing number of 50 .. which gave me four prizes, one of which was a coupon code. That 50th egg took FOREVER to find >.<  I searched that entire site from the store right through to the blog and the about pages...I have no clue where the other 50 are stashed and I finally gave up even considering looking for them. I did find one golden egg, but I was too late to nab the prize for finding it (I actually found the same egg twice...I did that a lot >.< lol).

Yes I had fun playing with the Green Bead Machine watching it's sales getter better or flip over every five minutes.. and yes I did nab a few items from that at an average of about 15% off the cost. When I called it quits on the hunt and put in my order, I had about sixty bucks worth of beads ... but since half of it was prize winnings and discounted goodies, my total was just under twenty bucks! Even the stuff I gave in and bought 'full price', I got discounted with the coupon code I won  :D hehehe ! So the only thing I 'really' paid full price on was the shipping ... which was just shy of eight bucks.

So I had a lot of fun browsing the site, playing with the Green Bead Machine, adding to my 'wish list', and making Fresh Pick selections ( like 'treasuries' on etsy where you put together selections of items to your own little theme :) ) ... plus winning lots of pretties :)

The hunt is still on so go check it out! Lima Beads Easter Egg Hunt .It ends on the 8th I believe, but you only need 10 eggs to win the first prize level ( so far .. but because it was so difficult this year they've already begun adding in new prize levels, so that might change!). you DO have to pay for shipping, so depending on where you are, you might not think it's worth it. Me, paying eight bucks for three strands of free gemstones... even if I hadn't bought anything else to go with them, totally worth it :) For those in the US, it might be even cheaper... if you're overseas.... probably not worth it ;) lol

 And yeah, I'll probably share a pic of my goodies when they arrive ;)  

Oh, and if you're wondering what I caved in and bought at full price... skulls, of course :) They actually have the skulls in the size I wanted! ( I think... at least according to the size comparison chart, they are ;) lol ) would've liked a string in black but I didn't see them .. at least not after I'd decided to buy them.. and I forgot to go back and look again. Oh well, I still have one more coupon to use so I might just have to place another order later on ;)

Remember to watch that 'number of entries' digit at the top of Rafflecopter and when it reaches 20... I'll add in more goodies :)
(*NOTE*  I'm trying something new here... I'm reposting the raffle widget on THIS page so you don;t have to travel back to the older post to enter if you haven't :) See? I'm making it EASIER on you guys! :D.  )

Friday, March 30, 2012

F.F.#4 - Spring Blooms, plus Ramble

Welcome back, kiddies :D

Before we get going, I'm gonna try a a little something new here... I totally stole the idea from fanciful devices ;) Btw, if you haven't read her blog, go check it out! AnvilArtifacts, too :) Hmm... maybe since I won't be doing much of a check in on Sunday, I'll do a little feature containing all my favorites pieces from a bunch of the blogs I follow ;)

Alright.. off track already, tsk tsk tsk lol Back to the 'something new' … instead of replying to all the comments through email ( and have you guys thinking I don't reply at all ;p ) or in the comments section ( and totally clog things up and confuse me with email notifications from me to me..O.o ) , I'll try answering any comments here in my blog posts :) That way... it'll be you guys getting confused and having to go back and look up the question so the answer makes sense ;) buwhahahaha!

… that was my evil laugh, btw ;)

On with my answers – don't worry, there were only really two ;) My readers generally save all their commenting for the beading forums ;) lol

~ Pine Ridge Treasures / Lisa L./ Lisa Lodge – I'm generally too lazy to check the name you guys entered under vs the name you post under when I go to announce the winners. I do that to verify the entries before the drawing... then don't remember who's who ;)

~ Kristen - Ty :) Of course, as par for the course, I just used the limited features on photobucket because my photo program takes forever to open.. and I was too lazy to go through the hassle ;) Plus, as soon as I posted the teaser pic, I found more flowers... thus I mentioned doing the additions throughout the giveaway... Because... yeah, you got it, I was too lazy to retake the photo with the new beads added in and redo the teaser :)

For those who've heard me whine, yes I'm feeling better :) I'm not as exhausted, no more fever, my nose has stop being a faucet and returned to normal 'cold' mode ( meaning I still need that box of tissues within arms reach... but I don't reach for it as much. Nor do I have to stuff tissue up up my nose and look like a walrus in order to go to sleep >.< lol ). I still have a wicked cough and some congestion in my chest, but that will be with me for a while yet. Plus, lucky me, gets to deal with the side effects of the antibiotics.. which are sporadic attacks of nausea, and my fave … the most HORRENDOUS taste in my mouth that refuses to leave me alone >.< Just when I think it's gone and I'll be able to enjoy a cup of coffee or something... wham.. it returns >.< Luckily today is the last day for those pills so that should be history soon ( please please please >.< ). As for my eye, yes I do indeed have an infection. On Sunday my eyelid was swollen so large I could barely open my eye. When cool compresses helped a little tiny bit to bring the swelling down, I got a bad feeling that I knew what it was.. and I was right >.< I can't remember the name the doc gave it, but it's a type of sty, kinda... only instead of appearing along the eyelash line and going away fairly easily, it appears on the inside of your eyelid, higher up... I've had this before... once, at the same time, I had it in both eyes. The solution? They need to remove them surgically... it only takes a few minutes, but because the so called 'freezing drops' they put in DON'T WORK .. it's a few minutes of agony as they flip your eyelid inside out, cut open the bottom of the stupid little bump... then SCRAPE it out >.< I'm telling you, it's worse than the dentist when the freezing starts to wear off too soon >.<

Grossed out yet? Cringing in sympathy? Thanks, but just cross your fingers. Last time I left it too long for them to do anything else.. this time I caught it when it's still forming. I've got some eye drops ( did I mention I hate eye drops? ) and the doc said that 50% of these go away on their own. If it's still there in six months they'll have to remove it the hard way... so.. here's hoping it goes away on it's own >.< lol The swelling has already pretty much gone.. it's just a little bit puffy now and hardly noticeable.. which means I should be able to see that little lump starting to pop up.. and I don't :) hoping that's a good sign.

*Looks up at the page*

Wow... that was a long winded explanation and gross out session, wasn't it? Yes, I'm done with the wince-inducing talk now :) good news is that I AM feeling better and that the eye infection is no longer getting in the way of my making jewelry :)

As I've mentioned elsewhere, I've been considering hosting a little design challenge. I've decided to go ahead and do it, so whenever I empty one of my bead trays so I have room to sort out some beads and buttons.. and maybe some components.. I'll play around with some combinations until I come up with a little kit. I don't know how many I'll be making.. and therefore, how many participants there'll be. Don't worry, I'll let you know how this plan is coming along... maybe even give you a sneak peek at some of the ingredients at some point.

But on to what you're all laboriously reading ( or scrolling past) all of this to find out about :)

The 'Spring Blooms' giveaway bundle :D As I mentioned in my last post, for every ten entries I receive, I'll be adding additional flower beads ( and buttons... I have a little bag of those sitting here waiting to be added in, too) into the bundle :) So the more people enter, the bigger the bundle gets ;)

As well, if I get people dropping in and leaving comments saying where they heard about my blog or the giveaway, the people who sent those nice commentors my way will be entered to win a little extra something. I think I'll leave it as a surprise-prize.

Photos now?

Yes...I thought you'd all say that ;)

See all those adorable felted beads, flowers & leaves ? Those are all from the little 'between soups' bead swap I participated in last fall/winter with Lori McDaniel Anderson - she sent me two packages of her beadsoups, the ones that will soon be for sale in her new shop ;) This is most of one of those packages – I kept a small bundle of acrylic beads out of it, plus I used a couple of the little felted balls... but my brain has been blanking so badly on the rest I decided I'd share and give you all a taste of what you'll be able to buy from her soon :)

In the top right corner there is a selection of little lampwork bead pairs. Directly below that is a purple turquoise pendant. On the other side , we have some light pink acrylic flower 'bead caps', and beneath them, some purple & white flowers....I think they're acrylic too.

...and because the 'group photo' is crap for detail on the smaller beads... some close ups...

flower spring blooms beads giveaway bundle
Flower Lampwork Bead Pairs

flowers spring bloom giveaway beads bundle
Purple Flowers & Pink Lucite 'bead cap' flowers

So that's to start with.
The basic bundle.

The first ten entries will have me adding that little pile of flower buttons.

The next ten after that will see some more flower beads added.

After that, maybe some light 'Easter' type colored beads? Or maybe I'll decide to add in those acrylic beads from Lori after all ;) Haven't decided yet :) Gotta reach thirty entries before I have to decide ;)

So click on Rafflecopter to leave your entries ( comments don't count unless it's for whoever sent you to win an extra prize ;) ).

I'm gonna go grab another coffee, then slip downstairs to check my mail and see if there are any beads waiting for me. Who knows? Maybe there'll be some in there I could add in, too ;) ( for those of you reading this in the wee hours wondering how I get my mail so darned early... I'm writing this Thursday afternoon and scheduling it to post  :p  )

...And..I just noticed a useless piece of trivia... I have 33 blog posts .. and 33 followers :) .. well.. NOW I have 34 blog posts... catch up followers! Keep even! lol

Oh, and I promise... next post .. no whining, ranting, or gross outs :D

…. although that means I'll have to post lots and lots of photos ;)