Showing posts with label Lisa Lodge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lisa Lodge. Show all posts

Monday, June 3, 2013

Double Redo !

Well, it seems that Rafflecopter kept picking people who were just passing through when they entered the last contest... that's two now that I haven't heard from.

Third times the charm, right?

Well, my Follower list has decided to vanish again, so I'm not sure if she IS a follower or not, but this time, the name is familiar so she just might be ;)

Norma Turvey , you have until Thursday, June 6th at Midnight EST to contact me. Leave a comment, send me an email,  message me on facebook, whatever and however you want :) Just let me know you saw this and want your gift certificate to buy goodies at Lisa's shop by Thursday night.

If by chance I don't hear from Norma either, I'll be posting a fourth and FINAL winner Friday. I may have to dig out my printed copy of my members list and ditch all entries from people that are not on it and narrow it to Followers only... better chance of it being claimed ;) lol

But like I said, that's IF Norma doesn't claim it... and while I can't be sure if she IS a follower, I do recognize the name and have a vague recollection of seeing comments around here form her... not many, but some.. so...I think she just might be ;)

So come on, Norma... poor Lisa's getting a complex about no one wanting to claim her prize... and this gift certificate is getting mighty tempting to my shopping bug ;) lol

Oh, for those who follow me on facebook, I still feel might crappy, but loads better than I did. I think I'm approaching human again.. although human with a nasty, chest cough and a runny nose... I'll let you know if I get any closer after I have my coffee ;)

Thursday, May 16, 2013


 Sorry for being M.I.A. again >.<

I need to work through this issue of  ' needing to do' = work ... when I don;t NEED to write a post, I'm fine... when I do NEED to write one, I don't want to... it has become work and is no longer something I can just do... >.< 

Same goes for blog hops and things like that... they're fun until they hit that point where my brain switches from 'want to do' to suddenly ' have to do' , and rebels >.<  So because I have a winner to chose and announce, doing so has become a 'need to do' and thus is now 'work' ... and my brain rebels >.<

It's taken me... four days? Almost five just to write this short thing to say that.....

Carol Anderson Dillman has won the gift certificate to Pine Ridge Treasures :)

Carol, give me a shout either here, on facebook, or through email, and I will get that certificate to you :)

Friday, May 3, 2013

Feature Friday : Pine Ridge Treasures

** Note** If you're looking for my BSBP reveal, click HERE.
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This time up I'm taking you to visit Lisa Lodge at Pine Ridge Treasures.

'Lisa is a self-taught, published, jewelry designer. She is a member of the ZNET Shows Design Team, and is also known for her creative jewelry making blog hops. Lisa takes pride in creating beautiful handmade artisan jewelry. Currently she sells her work locally, and online at Many of her pieces are one of a kind. She draws inspiration from nature, especially colors like ocean blue and leaf green. She enjoys making jewelry that is elegant, classic, and can be worn at work or on the town. Her jewelry adventure began three years ago. It started as a project to create Christmas gifts for relatives, and as a stress reliever. It gives her a creative outlet after working all week at her day job. She loves coming up with ideas and making them a reality.'

You can visit her on her blog & Facebook, as well.

Okay.. shall we see some of her eye candy?

The original three photos she sent me, now apparently all have broken links >.< I'm not sure when that happened, as they DID work when I posted this originally. I have since deleted those broken image links so please excuse the empty spot.

 Along with  those pics though, she did send me a bio she had written .. so was SO helpful :D )

But I picked out a couple of my faves from her shop to share too :)

photo courtesy of Lisa Lodge

Aren't these fabulous? Unfortunately these are already sold :( Although yay for Lisa for selling them, and congrats to whoever gets to wear these lovelies ;)

photo courtesy of Lisa Lodge
I just love the Egyptian feel to it :) And this one is still available in her shop :)

Lisa also occasionally has destash bead kits she puts up for sale, both in her shop and on her fb page, so keep an eye out. I've bought  several of her bead goodie bags and have loved all of them :) As a matter of fact, the 'Autumn's Glory' bracelet I showed you in the last post, was made using one of the 'soup mixes' I bought from her ;)

But enough of that... you want to know what you get to try to win by spreading the love this time, don't you?  Well this round, Lisa has handed over a $20 gift certificate to her shop for one lucky winner :)

 Use the Rafflecopter Widget to enter and follow the instructions ;)  If you don't SEE the raffle copter widget, click on the post title to go to the actual page it's posted on (rather then the feed, or email, or where ever else this pops up fr you to read ;) ). If the widget STILL won't work for you, email me your entries and I'll get them in for you

1 entry for leaving a comment here about your favorite piece from Lisa's shop.
1 entry for sharing a link to Lisa's shop.
1 entry for visiting Lisa's Facebook page and leaving a comment or a 'like'.