Showing posts with label freebie friday giveaway beads jewelry destash creativechaos skye. Show all posts
Showing posts with label freebie friday giveaway beads jewelry destash creativechaos skye. Show all posts

Friday, January 6, 2012

Destash addition #1


So how's everyone coming along in the new year so far? Still sticking with your resolutions or have your crashed already? 

Mine are a bit behind, but it's been a rather hectic week at work with being short staffed >.<  I know I can still meet my challenge and post proof on Sunday though.. just gotta get my butt in gear ! :D

I'm sorry there have been no BTW posts from me in a bit ( since I officially joined the flickr group, actually >.< lol) I'll try to get back on track with that, too ! 

Today's destash addition may look a bit small... but that's because I have more set aside to add in with my Sunday post ;) A whole kit worth of 'more' :D hehe ... yes yes, I'm a tease, I know :)  I might add in a bit more on Wednesday, too... you never know ;)

Alrighty... added to the destash pot this week ...

One little pouch jammed full to near bursting with a muddle of beads in a variety of sizes, shapes, styles and materials. Every time I clean up after a project I seem to miss some beads... so when I find them, I more often then not just chuck them into a baggy or dish rather then take the time to sort them out and put them back in the right places >.< I have found that these little baggies can be handy for playing with when bored or looking for inspiration. :)

As well I decided to share a taste of the soup mix Lori of Pretty Things sent me in the little beadsoup swap she held a little while ago. One baggy with a mix of glass beads (mostly purple since the greens are currently being picked through for a new project ;) ) and two imperial jasper :)

Like I said, I had more to add in but I'll save them for my next post ;)

Remember, you must be a follower of this blog to enter. I noticed an 'entry' on my last blog from a non-follower :p tsk tsk tsk. Curious as to whether they just saw the word 'giveaway' and commented without reading the rest, or whether they were planning on clicking the 'follow' button and just never got around to it ;)

Well I'm off to work on some of my jewelry pieces for my weekly challenge to meet my deadline. I have a very pretty necklace I'm loving that I'm almost done with... then I'll probably end up doing a couple pairs of earrings just to get my three projects in >.< lol

 ~ Skye

Friday, December 30, 2011

New Year's Destash

This is a special, month long progressive destash giveaway for my followers :)

If you're not a follower, then you're not eligible :p

Each Friday I'll post a photo of some items that will be added into the 'pot'. 

This weeks destash addition - a hank of vintage black seed beads, and a string of.. well, we'll call them mystery beads. I have no idea what kind they are aside from being silver in color. They were part of a batch of I bought that contained the vintage beads. I did have plans for them- a mixed media necklace that I'd sketched out and had the beads all picked out to go with it... but the impulse to make it faded and I turned to different styles >.< 

I do that a lot... thus, the destash ;) 

All you have to do to enter is be a follower and comment saying you're interested in winning :) 

You can comment once each post, and there will be a new post with a new addition to the destash each Friday AT LEAST ... I may do the odd surprise extra post depending on my mood and what all I find as I sort through my goodies  :) 


New Beginnings - F.F. #1

 Hello :)

Despite the fact that it's not QUITE the new year yet, I'm starting it off right here :) ( still can't believe this is the end of THIS one already...where did the year go?!)

There will be a few changes to how things are done as far as giveaways and such go.

#1 -As far as the giveaways themselves are run, I've been considering Rafflecopter so I think we'll give it a try this month and see how it works out :)
#2- Prize wise, we'll be doing two - one run by rafflecopter open to everyone, and a second open to ONLY  followers ( this one will be done by comments & ). Followers can enter both ;)
#3 - I will no longer be emailing the winners. From now on the winner's name will be posted in my blog and they'll have two weeks in which to contact me to claim their prize. If they don't, I'll draw a new winner.

So what do you think? Not bad as far as changes and rules go ;)

I've been thinking of challenges and what not as well, and have decided to consider taking part in more, as well as host my own.

I saw one about a daily challenge where you make one pair of earrings each day. That sounds very doable... but what would I do with all those earrings? If you have a shop you can always post them for sale, so for shop owners it would be a good way to keep your stock up :) I HAVE been giving opening a shop some serious thought lately...

I suppose it would also depend on how long the challenge ran as too how many you ended up with... and for me, well... there are days when I just don't feel like making earrings and need to do something 'more'... perhaps  something more like ' a piece of jewelry a day' ... then post a collection of what had been made at the end of the week? What do you think? Would you be interested in joining me in creating something each day and then sharing photos of the weeks work on a Sunday? Perhaps start a flickr group for it? I'll be playing with photoshop and creating a name for it and a button to share in case anyone is interested in joining in and will be starting it off on Monday, so you can expect the blog post about it on Sunday with maybe a MisterLinky or a flickr group link or something along those lines for anyone interested :)

My Freebie Friday for January, as I mentioned, will be different.

There will be one post (this one) with the main 'everyone is welcome' rafflecopter entry. Up for grabs this month is this shell coin & seed bead bracelet

The second part of it, the one for followers only, will be in parts. I've decided I rather enjoy the destash giveaways that I come across and so, for my followers, I shall do a month long destash :) I'll post a second blog just for that though, so be prepared for a double posting tonight ;)