Showing posts with label teaser. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teaser. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Here We Go Again!

I decided to hop on board the BSBP train again this year :)

This is my third 'helping' of Bead Soup.

First round I got the fabulous Shai Williams, who opened my beading world to so many new fabulous materials that I'd been afraid to try do to what I thought they'd cost... and whom I am still friends with :) I even ended up friends with her hubby, Saje, and have bought two of his books :)

The second round I was paired up with the talented, Mária Horváth,who challenged me with a some of her seed bead work, and some crochet :) It was a fun lot to work with, making me think out side of the box! Unfortunately, we didn't connect the same way for a lasting friendship, but we had a language barrier to overcome that seemed to join forces with a lack of shared interests. 

This round, I've been dealt an unexpected hand ... a fellow Canadian! 

Lucie Bouvier, owns "Carlos Little Bead Store" out west in Alberta.

A real, brick and mortar shop where she has ; 'free classes and over 1000 square feet of products, giftware, etc.'  ( yes I stole the info right from her about page..I wanted to get it right ;)  )
'Glass, resin, semi-precious beads, crystals, pearls, seed beads, chains, wire, cord, leather, tools and all the findings you an imagine, from all around the world.

We offer a variety of classes, parties, lunch and learn and customized workshop during hours of business or on appointments outside regular hours.'
See... that gets me right there... not only does she offer a full selection of beady goodness...AND classes... but she does parties and stuff, too! Makes me wish I lived in Alberta >.<

Her blog and fb page have very little about HER, so it hasn't been easy to come up with a post to introduce her. Of course, I COULD have sent her some questions and done an interview deal, but she has a family,  a business... and she just got back from the gem show in Tucson! (jealous!) so I figured she'd be a tad busy ;)

I did manage to find out a few little things... like, in addition to loving beads, she LOVES shoes ;)  Seriously loves shoes.. to the point they're part of her logo...
 lol  I tried SO hard to play with this, thinking it would be cute to make a pair of earrings or a charm bracelet featuring shoe beads or charms to send her as a little gift... but you know how fate goes... when there's something you really need, it's impossible to find... until you no longer need it, of course :(

I also learned , that she started n the jewelry business as L.B. Creations ( apparently, there are a few jewelry based businesses by that name on Facebook, however >.<). I did have too fun fun looking through her gallery. I had to message to make sure they were all her pieces, since many bead stores, especially ones that host classes, often have a page to share clients and students work... but this gallery is all hers .  After much consideration... and nail biting and ooohing and awwing... here are some of my favorites...

pearl tree necklace
wire crochet

gemstone lampwork chain
glass drops

 Check out her gallery... there really are too many beautiful pieces there. Her bracelets are all the same style but in different colors and materials, but they're too pretty to chose between >.< I could just keep posting her entire gallery here... 

 The first BSBP I did was some where around three hundred and some odd participants I think... I'm thinking 360 or somewhere in that area.

This round.... OVER 500..... PLUS there's an extra group doing a Facebook version! A ..BSFbP lol ;)  Luckily, it's divided into three different hops, and I'm in the last one :)

Want to see what I sent her? I SHOULD use it in a second post, but I delayed a bit too long on getting this one up and she could be getting her soup any day now... so...

I'm looking at this trying to remember what each blob is ;) hehe

Sunday, July 1, 2012

BSBP#6 - Introduction & Teaser

Hello again :)

Well the mad crush of stuff due at the end of June has passed by and I some how not only survived, but somehow manged to come out near the top. So I decided it was time to catch up on some blogging that I've been letting pile up. 

tsk tsk tsk

I mean, it's not as if you people don't know by now that I'm a procrastinator in the advanced class here... ;) lol

At any rate, THIS blog post, is my long over due introduction to my BSBP partner, Mária Horváth of horimarikabeads

I snitched this  photo of her from her Blogger profile :) She's in Hungary so I get to send goodies across the pond for this BeadSoup swap. 

I had a few partial potential soups started months ago, so that when I was partnered up, all I'd have to do would be to chose which soup base was best for them, then season it up to perfection :)  My first instinct is to give things that they will love and have no trouble using. That however, is kind of counter productive to the whole point behind the BSBP, which is to create a soup that will challenge your partner to step out of their comfort zone. I think I've managed to do both, however :) at least I hope I have ;)

So what is Mária's comfort zone?

Seedbeads... check out some of her work... 


All the photo's above were snitched from her blog :) My absolute fave is the seahorse, but I rather like the eye of Horus too :)  She has tons more, this is just a sampling :)

But she does play with other things... as long as when she's finished, she can use her seed beads with them ;)
Here are some cabs that she made along with a group of friends. Aren't they all lovely?

So, after checking out her gallery on Facebook, as well as looking through her blog... and having fun trying to make sense of some of Google's translations  >.<  I discovered that... she's apparently addicted to teeny tiny beads that she can sew into amazing shapes and patterns ;) She also  has a lot of bright colors in her work.

So what kind of Soup did I make for her? Want to take a peek inside the pot ?

BSBP#4's teaser pic was a swirl of color that looked gorgeous.. but looked nothing like beads lol  This time I decided to play with a mosaic.. still barely hints at it, but it makes  it seem like it's showing more than it really is ... ;) hehehehe

I hope she enjoys all of it :) I've been hoarding the focal and clasp for... well... since shortly after the 4th BSBP, and every now and then I'd end up getting some beads that just went PERFECTLY with them... and thus they became the main ingredients in some Bead Soup :)

I can't wait for her to receive them :) So excited :D I love BSBP time!

Make sure to visit Mária's blog, horimarikabeads and play with Google Translate :)

~ Skye