Showing posts with label blahs snow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blahs snow. Show all posts

Friday, February 24, 2012

F.F 2 -update

Alrighty... February's F.F. giveaway is almost over!

There are only 3 people who've entered so far so you still stand a good chance if you get your entries in!

Remember, you have a choice this month as to whether you want the geode or some earrings :)

I'm done with my '7000 bracelets of hope' bracelets.. having redone one of the ones I'd said I'd changed my mind on last post ... lol. I  will write up my hop blog tonight so it'll be ready to go tomorrow :)

I've started to take my photos at my window and putting the natural light to use. You'll have to let me know if you notice a difference in the quality.
 Unfortunately with the weather, taking photos outside isn't really an option. Wednesday the snow was blowing and visibility sucked for drivers.. and for us pedestrians it wasn't very pleasant either >.< Thursday it was gorgeous outside and half the snow melted away while I left my winter gear behind and wore my spring jacket outside...'s been snowing and blowing all day and all the snow that melted away yesterday has returned .. and brought friends >.<  Perhaps I'll venture outside with my jewelry and camera once Mother Nature calms down and decides on a season ;)

I work tomorrow so who knows what the weather will be like...I'll most likely either have to bundle up for the walk in then sweat to death on the walk home once the weather shifts... or enjoy a nice walk in and freeze the girls off during the walk home >.< I can totally understand why people around here head south during February... and I would too if I could afford the trip.. and thought I stood a chance of having weather that would let me actually reach the airport... with my luck you just KNOW a blizzard would hit and either stop me from reaching my plane.. or ground the plane ..>.< lol  Oh well...I'm afraid of heights anyhow ;)

Okay... rambling done...I have a second blog post to write tonight in prep for tomorrow so I'll run away and grant you all some peace for now ;)

Don't forget to pop back to the original FF#2 post and leave your entries with Rafflecopter. Everyone is welcome and I will ship it to you no matter where you are :) ( except maybe sending the geode to Australia... you'll have to check with your customs authority about the geode if you live overseas..I know Australia, at least, is picky about that kind of stuff >.< )

 So -> FF#2 Giveaway

later all! ~ Skye

Friday, February 10, 2012

Freebie Friday... the 13th??

 No... still working on the 2nd F.F. of the year... but today was like MY Friday the Thirteenth >.<

It started off with me opening my door... and damn near breaking my neck. I should've just gone back inside, locked the door, called my manager and told her I wasn't leaving the house today and she'd have to find someone to cover my shift >.< but I didn't, of course... silly me.

How did I almost break my neck? Ah.. well.. you see, my landlord is having the second floor apartment renovated. I live in a three story house that's been divided into apartments..I'm on the third and share the lobby and stairs with the second floor apartment. Yesterday the workmen decided to leave their stuff here... and rather then leave it in the apartment they're working on, out of the way... they left some stacked on the landing outside my door, blocking off my access to the stairs... and scattered all over the lobby, blocking off my access to the front door. Needless to say, Their boss is getting a phone call from me as soon as my landlord gets home for me to get their names off of him.

Anyhow, five o'clock in the morning, I open my door and step out into the dark hall ( the light switch is two steps away so I always shut my light off as I leave my apartment rather then go back and do it ) My foot doesn't even clear my doorway when it smacks into something solid, then when I step over it, I hit a second something and damn near end up down the stairs. I get the light on to find the tool boxes and curse softly all the way downstairs... to see that I need to pick my way across a huge mess of more tools to leave the building. Needless to say, if there'd been a fire and I'd have had to leave that building in a hurry, I wouldn't have made it. As it is, I'm lucky I made it out with just some bruised toes.

Then I get to work to find that the boy who trays up my frozen dough, messed up and I had to rearrange everything before I could even get started >.< *sigh* 

THEN ...I see a really low number of kaiser buns... when I'd been told on Wednesday that there was an order for a LOT of kaiser buns for today... I take a quick look at the order form to make sure it doesn't say cancelled, and nope...hasn't been cancelled. so I start up the cursing again as I leave off my work to haul out the rest of the buns needed for this order and quick thaw the frozen dough so it'll stand a chance of being done in time.... Every thing's going good... The dough is working nicely, the buns will be done in time...


...  and then I go to take the order form up front.. and see that she didn't take an order for KAISER buns like she'd told me...she took an order for CRUSTY buns >.< So now I have an extra fifteen DOZEN kaiser buns that we don't need >.< Luckily, it's NOT MY FAULT lol I have a witness that HEARD her say she had an order for 15 doz KAISER buns. If it HAD been for kaisers, I totally had that baby covered ! lol So... we put Kaiser buns of special today >.< lol

Luckily, that seemed to be the end of the bad luck for the day. the rest of the day went find, with me silently rehearsing my bitchfest should the workmen be here when I got home. ( BTW, I just got off the phone with my landlady.. and she said that they'd talk to them for me... this tells me they must have hired friends or something along those lines, and she's not happy with them. Kinda gonna miss out on bitching them out personally, but I know she'll let them have it in my stead ;) Of course, since they're not professionals for me to sic their boss on them, if they show up and do more work and don't offer an apology of some sort, I might have to chat with them too :) )

Of course, I had to grab some groceries before leaving work... they had coffee on sale so I bought two cans, And ice cream was on sale too.... so I was going to get Rolo... but they had CoffeeCrisp too... and it was such a shitty day....I bought both >.< They're small tubs! And it's not like I can sit down and pig out since I'm lactose intolerant and really shouldn't have ANY .. but... they're my faves... and I have my Lactaid...and a couple days off... I can eat my ice cream and be flatulent in peace. Some things are worth suffering for... Rolo and Coffee Crisp ice cream are worth it :)

In more cheerful news, I've signed on with the 7000 Bracelets for Hope Blog Hop. Tomorrow ( Sat. Feb 11th ) is the last day to join up! I've already got my bracelet design in my head and have my beads out ready to go as soon as I finish writing this ;)

Plus, I have my beads set aside for the Feb. ABS challenge.. it's just a matter of getting around to putting it together >.<  And no, I don't have any of my personal challenge pieces done yet either, BUT I have the week end off, so I'm still good :)  I do need to get started on my art project for the month though...I keep meaning to start but I need to clear some space on my desk first... and every time I start, I get distracted by my beads >.<

Alrighty..I think I've babbled enough.

This month's Freebie is located HERE . Remember to enter via the rafflecopter. If the widget doesn't load for you or you can't see it for any reason, leave a comment on the blog to let me know or send me an email.

Sarah S. - I sent you a couple emails from my blogger account, but I don't know if you got them ( one was form 'Graves' and the other from 'Skye' ). I accidentally deleted one of your rafflecopter entries! Please  enter the 'follow me' entry again, and remember, if you click on the 'blog comment' entry, you actually have to leave a comment ;) . If it won't let you reenter, let me know and I can enter for you, and just make a note in the entry that it's for you.

Hope everyone has a good week end! Have fun playing with your beads if you have no other plans :) I'm staying indoor this weekend ( aside from a trip to the laundry mat at some point), while a nasty winter storm blows around outside my windows. Hopefully, that means you'll see lots of jewelry finished on my Sunday post ;)

 ~ Skye

Friday, January 20, 2012

FF- another Destash update

Another Friday has snuck up on me  >.<

And for the record... once again I STILL don't have any jewelry made towards my challenge yet, despite plans and ideas. I DO however have tomorrow off, so assuming I don't get distracted and/or lazy again, I should be okay :)

I am still working on that stupid stuffed cat I had the *brilliant* ( extremely heavy sarcasm) idea to make for a gift exchange >.< I have the tail finished, the ears finished ... and the face sewn. Just gotta get it put together fully. Was going really good tonight until I suddenly stopped and realized...I had no clue how to get my ears where I needed them to be so they'd flip right when I turned everything right side out...*sigh* I know now, but...I don't wanna sew NOW >.< ( I was whining there... did you hear me? ;) )

Next time I get this urge to sew... please, please PLEASE some one tell to to at LEAST stick to something made of the fewest pieces possible? I mean...if I'd done this in two pieces, I have had NO trouble at all. But no... I had to be fancy >.<  Grr... if it didn't mean another trip to the store for more red felt, I'd totally start over and do it EASIER!! Hmm.... maybe tomorrow depending on the weather and how much I get accomplished jewelry wise.

Any how, apologies for the late post... even though it IS still Friday ;) I was going to post earlier this afternoon, but I got distracted, but hey ! I'm here now :)

And... here you go...
I believe these little tube beads mark the last of the beads for the destash. I'll be going through my pendants and charms next and will no doubt have a few to add in to the lot before I tally up all the comments and find out who I send them all to :)

Oh, and thanks to everyone for hoping my week got better. I'm happy to report that it definitely perked up :). While I'm sad to say it didn't perk up enough for me to win heaps of money and retire somewhere WARM, I'm over the crap; and while still prone to bouts of irritation over a certain young lady and her 'helping', that's reaaaaly nothing new ;)

I'm off to snuggle up under my warm fuzzy blankets and listen to music until I fall asleep :) I'll check in with you all again on Sunday :)

~ Skye